Michael Jackson


Music, CoverErin MaherComment

As we head into this holiday weekend to give thanks for all the things we have and for the people we love - this track brings together happy feelings of childhood memories and combines them with current happenings of life and friendship!  The people who unexpectedly come into your life seem to make lasting impressions and form closer bonds because we are not required to like each other, we just actually like each other.  Our boy EDEN released this fantastic cover of "Billie Jean" by the late great Michael Jackson - which hits close to home for most of us! I was having a discussion about this new track last night with one of the above mentioned kind of friends (who has seemed to swoop into my world very quickly this year) and we were able to grow that bond a little more because of EDEN. I was 5 when the original song came out, and it was 100% my jam! I told my friend that I had an MJ poster, the one with him in the yellow sweater vest, hanging on my wall and I used to kiss it goodnight .... every night! He then told me he used to sleep with a doll of Bell from Beauty and the Beast when he was a youngster - and I thought ... how perfect!  Just another example of how music brings people closer! And talk about unexpected – this track is awesom!  EDEN is brave picking a song with such an epic high bar!  But .... just like that unexpected friend, he gives us all kinds of feels -- his synthy electro pop melodies among future beats vibes combined with his soulful vocals is something we actually like! You can grab a free download HERE! Happy Thanksgiving! 


The Vibe Guide, Remix, Original Mix, MusicErin MaherComment

Soundcloud is such a great way to get exposed to new music, and lately we have noticed that our feed is being filled with all sorts of people sharing tracks.  99% of these people who are sharing are actually artists, reposting their label mates, or their homies, or just stuff they are listening to that they found on Soundcloud.  So, we decided to make THE VIBE GUIDE - a weekly installment on Beautiful Buzzz where you can check out what producers, music enthusiast and taste makers want you to hear!  Enjoy!